
Yahel Deane was born and raised in a kibbutz Ein Harod (Meauhad) at the southern side of Northern Israel. He first became interested in it when he used to listen to old records he found lying around the house. Hearing melodies led to an interest in learning them.

As a young student at the age of 7, he took flute lessons as a part of a kibbutz class. At the age of 9 saxophone lessons, and at the age of 11 he stopped due to an unexpected* family event. By 13, he began writing songs, playing the guitar and took vocal lessons.. He attended at TAFE in Sydney, where he studied Technical Production and Sound Engineering. The hard work has paid off.

He was a member in several bands and groups as a Guitar & Bass player in his earlier twenties (20-24) , before deciding to make his move to the role of the front-man (25).
In 2014, when he was 29, he moved to Sydeny (Australia) where he studied sound production.
In 2015 Deane started playing local Bars and Cafes in Sydney, and was invited to see a show of Bryce Cohen a young Rock/Blues artist, during the show Deane noticed the Bass player Fabien Bethuizeau yet another multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer at the (local) Sydney/& Australia scene. The two kept in touch and Bethuizeau even played at one of Deane’s shows in Sydney.
Through 2015 Deane played with his band and solo acoustic shows in Bars and Cafes in Sydney and towards the end of the year he decided to record and produce his first album and offered Bethuizeau to play on it.
At the beginning of 2016 Deane and Bethuizeau started pre-production process with sessions at Bethuizeau’s house.
He decided to play all of the Lead & Rhythm guitar parts and of course Sing, having Bethuizeau on Bass and drums.
And Stu Hunter an all-around piano/keyboard player, producer and all-around musician in the Australian music scene played piano and keyboards on the record.

The album was recorded in several sessions since Deane wanted to finish it before his Visa expires and him leaving Sydney.

He left Sydney at the end of June 2016 after finishing recording the Album and his studies.
He spent a short time in Berlin played and performed and decided to move to Israel in order to finish his album with the sound and vibe like he always wanted.

Deane comes from a big family his great grandfather Aharon Zisling helped write the declaration of independence of the state of Israel and set in the first government as the first minister of agriculture with the first prime minster David Ben-gurion. Heis related to Sefi Zisling who released his first album in 2017 and playing with Israel’s top musicians. His grandfather from his mother’s side was a cousin of Shayke Ofir.

Deane has released his debut album on October launched it at Levontin 7 on 24.10.2017 and is currently on tour around Israel and looking into playing overseas in Europe and other locations.